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Posted on December 18, 2023 in Rules Of The Road
Car accidents are violent events that can do severe damage to the human body – in some cases, enough to cause traumatic shock. This condition is particularly dangerous because its initial signs are easy to miss, yet it can become life-threatening without prompt treatment. As such, knowing what car accident shock symptoms to look for after a collision can save your life.
Traumatic shock is a condition in which a sudden loss of blood flow starves the body’s organs of oxygen, causing them to shut down. If shock is not appropriately treated, the victim can suffer permanent organ damage or death.
If you’ve been in a car crash, you may experience shock due to traumatic injuries sustained in the collision. One type of shock known as hypovolemic shock is common in car accidents because it is related to blood and fluid losses. Bleeding or severe burns that deplete bodily fluids cause the accident victim’s blood pressure to drop, making it impossible for the heart to pump sufficient blood throughout the body.
Symptoms of shock can vary depending on its underlying cause but may include:
Emergency medical personnel may treat shock by administering fluids and blood through an IV to improve the victim’s circulation as quickly as possible. Once stable, a medical provider at the emergency room can treat the injuries or conditions that led to the state of shock.
Shock may not be diagnosed until some time has passed after an accident. Although shock may be identified during emergency medical treatment following an accident, the long-term effects may not exhibit themselves until much later. If you start to notice trauma symptoms during your recovery after a car crash that do not appear to be related to another condition, you may be suffering from organ or tissue damage due to shock that was not immediately evident.
A different type of shock can take a toll on your mental and emotional well-being. Some people experience emotional distress after an accident, leading to conditions such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety, or depression.
So, how do you handle shock and stress management post-accident? Consider creating a self-care routine focused on getting adequate sleep, eating healthy meals, exercising, and perhaps seeing a counselor. Car accident mental health care can be as important as taking care of your physical health.
Dealing with shock and trauma after a car accident is not something you have to do alone. After receiving the medical care you need to treat shock, contact a personal injury attorney at The Melonakos Law Firm for a free consultation. We are happy to speak to you about your legal options for compensation for your injuries and associated losses.
Contact us today to speak to an experienced attorney for free.
Michael, a lawyer who honed his skills at premier Atlanta insurance defense firms, specializes in cases involving trucking, auto, and premises liability, adeptly representing both local and national clients.